Atriensis Immobilienverwaltung GmbH is your property management company in Berlin and Rostock. It has existed since 1993 as an owner-managed sole proprietorship (DICK Immobilienmanagement e.K.) with the business areas of property management and business services for the real estate industry. This includes, among other things, the management of companies and funds, due diligence, strategy consulting and auditing. We do not own any real estate.
We currently have 32 employees. In addition, there are civil engineers/architects and lawyers. The processing is organized in such a way that one employee is responsible for a complete order. This allows us to respond individually to customer requests without the order being “lost” in a division of labor. There are fixed substitution arrangements for absences.
We are equipped with the most modern EDP, the accounting is ready to use on a daily basis, the reporting system for clients can be programmed flexibly (also in English). The property management software used has a GoB test certificate. All files and processes are kept digitally and are available at any time and any place.
Through our membership in professional associations – which is unfortunately voluntary in our industry – we are committed to quality and high standards of performance. In the admission process, strict standards are applied when checking the performance standard of the applicants. These relate to professional qualifications, the form and content of accounts, business plans, minutes of owners’ meetings and the existence of a specialist library. Regular attendance at recognized training courses and the maintenance of financial loss liability insurance are mandatory.

“Competent performance from us – yield to you”.
We want our customers to do well! In accordance with our philosophy, we are your competent partner for property management and property administration in Berlin and Brandenburg, as well as for many other services related to real estate.
Quality has its price. Your Atriensis property management Berlin does quality work. We have been entrusted with valuable real estate assets that cannot be cared for “left and right”. If you are guided by cheap offers when looking for a property manager, you risk getting cheap work.
It is more economical to look at the expertise, performance, reliability and security of the administrator. It is not difficult to calculate what will ultimately be more expensive.
The company Atriensis Immobilienverwaltung GmbH is a member of the following associations.

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – RICS RICS Deutschland
Junghofstrasse 26
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: 0 69 – 65 00 75 0

Gesellschaft für Immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e. V.
Wilhelmstraße 12
65185 Wiesbaden
Tel: 0611 – 23 68 10 70
Fax: 0611 – 23 68 10 75

BBA – Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V., Berlin
Lützowstraße 106
10785 Berlin
Tel: 0 30 – 23 08 55 17
Fax: 0 30 – 23 08 55 20

BVI Bundesfachverband der Immobilienverwalter e.V.
Schiffbauerdamm 8
10117 Berlin
Tel: 0 30 – 30 87 29 17
Fax: 0 30 – 30 87 29 19

Unternehmerverband Rostock
Wilhelm-Külz-Platz 4
18055 Rostock
Tel: 0381 – 2 42 58-0
Fax: 0381 – 2 42 58-18
Green property management
You make an environmentally friendly decision with green and climate-neutral property management!
Our environmental management system is certified based on ISO 14001.
- Strengthening the sense of responsibility for the environment
- Active participation in the implementation of environmental protection goals
- We will present our customers with ecologically and economically sensible proposals for implementing the idea of environmental protection and, if possible and desired, implement them pragmatically.
- We consider our suppliers to be partners who help us solve upcoming quality and environmental issues and whom we support when necessary.
- Not avoidable CO2 – emissions are compensated by us. We are climate neutral!
For all our manager contracts, whether new or existing, we offer a “green” attachment with the following contents:
- Alignment of the contractual relationship with sustainability criteria
- Obtaining a certified building condition
- Economical use of resources
- Ongoing increase in the sustainability standard
- Incentive models for sustainable tenant behavior (“user manual”)
- Use of environmentally friendly and durable building materials
- Active marketing of achieved standards
- Preparation of a sustainability report or preparation of an owner’s sustainability report
Your quality advantages
Are you looking for a new property management company, but are still hesitant because you may have had a bad experience so far? We will arrange a 6-month trial period with you. Within the first six months you can terminate the contractual relationship with one month’s notice. We are convinced that you will not need the right of termination, test us!
Preparation of a technical status report when taking over the management
A qualified contact for all matters
Requests are answered within 2 days
Regular inspections with logging
Online customer access and customer magazine on the Internet
Additionally for WEGs: Rapid implementation of resolutions
Additionally for WEGs: Statement of house fees with statement §35a EStG.*
*Corresponds to the current BGH rulings (V ZR 44/09 and V ZR 251/10)
Below you will find some important forms that will make the workflow easier for you and us and shorten paths.

Opening hours
You can reach us personally in our offices in Berlin and Rostock during the following opening hours from MO-FR from 8-10 am and 3-5 pm and by e-mail around the clock.